Mihail Yankov


Nationality: Bulgarian
Town: Sofia
Current Age: 30
GMail: mihail.yankov.1337

Work experience:

Mar 2024 - present
Oct 2023 - June 2024

  • Develop widget for display tickets info (Tickera & WooCommerce) participants page . Separate PHP code, HTML mark-up (Mustache PHP), CSS & JS datatables net in single files. Presented in this video here (race predictions):
  • A group of volunteers use their experience and time to organize a 3-day event with festival and cross-country mountain bike race. The website is responsible for ticket sales and information about the event.
  • Deploying a staging environment of Wordpress in Azure.
  • Configure Azure Email communication service for Wordpress plugin (WP SMTP)
Nov 2017 - June 2023

  • Microservices using Service fabric, develop new endpoints
  • Web forms, Windows Forms (4.6 .NET framework), ASP .NET web sites, React JS (Redux), JavaScript, SQL Server, SQL Reports
  • Migration strategies regarding legacy data without breaking changes
  • Azure Devops, Build pipelines, unit tests, javascript tests, Swagger, Regular skill survey meetings
  • Agile, Daily meetings, Grooming, Planning, Retrospective, 2-3 weekly releases
  • Gitlab, Azure DevOps Repos
  • Research, Analysis, Estimates of new functionalities
  • Complex release strategies of dependent apps, migration without breaking changes, release part of long developed functionalities
  • Quick reaction to emergency bugs and apply hot fixes
  • REST APIs .NET Core
  • Azure Configuration, App registration permissions, App Service configurations
  • Coordinate with other teams regarding responsibility of application functionalities, dependent microservice endpoint changes
  • Maintain and refactoring legacy apps, documentation of APIs, tests
  • Maintain private Nuget repository, common standards of models applied for all projects
  • Mentoring the new developers to the team
Nov 2016 - Nov 2017

  • Develop custom widgets (including designer element)
  • Migrating/Maintain Sitefinity projects
  • Fixing Sitefinity database and configuration
  • Decompile Sitefinity SDK libraries, reading code
  • Participate in client meetings, consult for better solutions, estimate client requirements
  • Develop web solutions based on .NET to meet client requirements
  • Kendo UI JS, Grid, Custom validations and messages
  • Jira, Confluence, Agile, Unit testing, GitHub, TFS
  • Complex excel export
  • Entity Framework, database first approach
  • Manual Upload - On-premise IIS
First Investment Bank (FiBank)
Nov 2012 - Sep 2015

  • Ensure calm and secure environment related to clients and office maintenance
  • Communication between the office team, coordinate and observe client behavior
  • Follow strict rules regarding security operations


Languages and markup
Razor syntax;
Semantic HTML;
Emmet coding;
6+ years' experience with C#, .NET, ASP;
Object Oriented Programing;
Work independently;
English (Average speak, write);
Microsoft office;
Libre office;
Azure DevOps;
Technologies and Libraries
.NET Core;
ASP .NET Core;
.NET Framework; 
Azure cloud configurations;
Azure Key-Vault;
App Services;
App Registrations; 
Service bus (subscribers, topics);
IIS; Web Deploy for .NET;
Git (GitHub);
Entity Framework; MVC;
Bootstrap; Datatables.Net;
React JS; Kendo UI; Wordpress;
Restsharp; React (Redux);
NodeJS; NPM;
Windows Forms;
Polly .NET;
Visual Studio;
Visual Studio Code;
SQL Management Studio;
Unity 3D;
Telerik Just 
APEX SQL Search;


Telerik Academy
2015 - 2016

Web Application Development:

From 0 to Hero. Learning the basic of programming to advances structures and algorithms for fastest code execution and quality of code for better readability. Learning the basics of front-end, back-end, SQL databases, web applications, cloud technologies. Participating in team projects, a lot of homework exercises and final exam evaluated by independent judge system.

Bachelor's degree
2013 - 2017

Information technologies:

Gained experience in Networking, Programming, ASP, Oracle, MathLab, Photoshop, Presenting

Master's degree
2018 - 2019

Software engineering:

Agile, Software testing, IoT, Game design, Risk management, Cloud infrastructure, Software Security, Team management


C++ Basics:

(About me)
  • Fan of GitHub: Free libraries/extensions and open-source code.
  • Big fan of automatization: PDF generator.
  • When implement a task, first make it work (POC), verify with tests then optimize, secure, improve quality & readability, verify with tests again.
  • Reuse! Before invent the fire check if a lighter exists!
  • Fixing a bug is not just to add a check. Need to find the real source of the problem (example a configuration in database is missing, but the code is OK).
  • Following the KISS principle.
  • Wishlist for investigation: Flutter, MAUI, Blazor, VueJS.
  • Exited to work with new features related to Visual Studio, .NET, C#. Example libman.
  • Less code - less bugs.
  • Try to fix things no matter how stupid they are.
  • Sometimes I need more time to found a proper solution.
  • Going out of comfort zone sometimes: Deployed Wordpress in Azure.

A .NET client helper library for consuming data from https://swapi.dev/

An android app for tracking and recording GPS coordinates, making gpx file and integration with Strava API. Was working for old android phones.

A package that extends Sitefinity back-end to allow multiple download of Images, Videos and Documents.

The final project for evaluation in Telerik Academy. An education system allowing teachers to manage content, tests, homework, courses, student evaluations. Student can participate in different courses, submit their homework and make tests online.

An extension for passport js authentication library.

Personal blog for articles sharing knowledge and experience. (In Progress)

Currently working of a simple solution to extract telemetry data (speed, distance, heart beat etc.) from Garmin activity files (.fit) as “png” frames later used in video editor program. Using latest .NET 8 framework with MAUI and helper libraries: skia-sharp and Garmin.Fit.Sdk.


GPX.studio is a free online portal for creating/editing gpx files (routes) and eventually share them. No registration needed. Adding different layer of map seems very easy. It's an open-source project which can add BGMountains map as a layer in the options menu. Pull Request


Outdoor sports.
Mountain hike.
Mountain bike.
Trail run.
Races: for the sport.
Winter sports: ski, ice skating.
Planning routes and observing topological maps.
Computer gaming (Steam).
Coding to fix something!